Roaster's Choice: Celebration Blend. Crafted to Complement the Holiday Season
Proudly presenting Celebration Blend.
A bold and elegant blend that features hints of citrus and spice, a creamy body and sweet clean finish. Made for sharing!
Each year Celebration Blend is eagerly anticipated by Blue Star coffee lovers near and far. This holiday offering is crafted from rare and special coffees...
Roaster’s Choice: Yirgacheffe Natural Halo Bariti
Our current Roaster’s Choice, Yigacheffe Natural Halo Bariti, comes from the wild highlands of Ethiopia. We are proud to feature this beautiful coffee that was grown and processed in the ‘cradle of mankind’.
Roaster’s Choice: El Corazon de Mexico- A Naturally Processed Coffee
This beautiful and rare coffee is from the Nayarit region of Mexico. One of the reasons that its flavor profile is so unique is that it is naturally processed.
Natural processing of coffee originated in Ethiopia and is well suited to arid climates. It is a process that involves laying the coffee cherries out to dr...
The Art of Blending Coffee
We blend to bring together coffees with distinct flavor qualities, to make the resulting blend better than the sum of its parts.
Welcome to Our New Website!
Blue Star is all about keeping it fresh and we decided it was time to update a few things online.
Guiding Principles For Brewing At Home Like A Pro
Know your brewer and how many ounces of coffee you are making to determine your recipe. Electric Drip brewers can be especially deceiving since every brand defines a “serving” as being a different size - hence the confusion. If you don’t know how many ounces your brewer makes, break out the measuring cup and check it out!
Coffee - It's All About Connection
For hundreds of years, people have used coffee as a ritual to bring folks together to invigorate the mind and share ideas. In the 15th century, coffee houses in the East were commonly referred to as, “The Schools of the Wise”.